De content op deze website is een verzameling van eigen geschreven artikelen, artikelen van diverse auteurs die bij ons zijn aangesloten, gast auteurs en vertaalde artikelen. Er is een mogelijkheid dat één blog post een combinatie is van diverse bronnen. Wij proberen zo goed mogelijk op deze pagina alle bronnen te benoemen. Mocht er in deze lijst (onze bibliografie) een auteur of bron missen, laat het ons dan gerust weten. We handelen te goeder trouw met als doel Bruce Lee’s Legacy in Nederland hoog te houden. Zijn kennis te delen.
Een speciale dank van Robin Vader aan: Niels Westerveld, Ingmar Reijnders, Richard Torres, James ter Beek, Milco Lambrecht en vele anderen die middels advies en content ons supporten.
Onderstaande bronnen in willekeurige volgorde.

De bibliografie
- Vader, Robin. Fighting Network Magazine nummer 1 / jaargang 2. Impact, opkomst, mythe en mysterieuze dood.
- Vader, Robin. Fighting Network Magazine nummer 3 / jaargang 3. De sport van Bruce Lee. Jeet Kune Do.
- Boogers, Alex. (2020). De zonen van Bruce Lee. Inside.
- Gong, Tommy. (2011). Bruce Lee, Evolution of a Martial Artists. Ohara publications. Bruce Lee Enterprises, LLC.
- Lee, Bruce, (2011). Tao van Jeet Kune Do: Elmar BV; vertaling en redactie James ter Beek
- Lee, Bruce. (1999). Compiled and Edited by John Little. Artist of Life. Tuttle Publishing.
- Lee, Bruce. (1997). Edited by John Little. Words of the Dragon. Tuttle Publishing.
- Lee, Bruce. (1997). Edited by John Little. The Tao of Gung Fu. Tuttle Publishing.
- Lee, Bruce. (1997). Edited by John Little. Jeet Kune Do. Bruce Lee’s commentaries on the martial way. Tuttle Publishing.
- Lee, Bruce. (1998). Edited by John Little. Letters of the Dragon. Tuttle Publishing.
- Lee, Bruce. (1998). Compiled by John Little. The art of expressing the human body. Tuttle Publishing.
- Lee, Bruce. (2016) . The Tao of Gung Fu. Edited by John Little. Tuttle Publishing.
- Lee, Bruce. (1987). Chinese Gung Fu. The Philosophical art of Self-Defense. Ohara Publications, Incorporated.
- Lee, Bruce. (2000). Edited by John Little. Striking Thoughts. Bruce Lee’s wisdom for daily living. Tuttle Publishing.
- Lee, Bruce and Uyehara, M. (2008). Bruce Lee’s Fighting Method. The complete edition. Ohara Publications.
- Lee, Linda. (1975). The Life and Tragi Death of Bruce Lee. A Star Book.
- Lee, Linda. (1975). Bruce Lee: the man only I knew. Warner Paper Back.
- Lee, J. Yimm. (1972) Wing Chun Kung-Fu. Ohara Publications, Incorporated.
- Lee, Greglon Yimm. Campbell, Sid. (2003). The dragon and the tiger. The birth of Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kune Do. Blue Snake Books.
- Roessen, Bernard. November 2021 – Het Bruce Lee Effect op Bernard Roessen.
- DeMile, James, W. (1981). – Bruce Lee’s 1 and 3 inch Power Punch. Tao of Wing Chun Do Publications.
- Boudewijn Meijer. Karate-Do Bond Nederland. Bruce Lee raakte geïnspireerd door Nederlandse Karateka. September 2024.
- Seaman, Kevin. (2016). Seeking the Path of Jeet Kune Do 2. Center Line Press.
- Block, Alex Ben. (1974). The legend of Bruce Lee. Dell Publishing Co.
- Caulfield, Max. (1975). Bruce Lee Lives? A Star Book.
- Gigliotti, Jim. (2014). Who Was Bruce Lee? Penquin Workshop.
- Bleecker, Tom. (1996). Unsettled Matters. The life and death of Bruce Lee. Gilderoy Publications.
- Polly, Matthew. (2018). Bruce Lee. Simon & Schuster.
- Bishop, James. (2002). Dymamic Becoming. Writers Club Press.
- Tzu, Ti. (2017). Wei Kuen Do, history and practice from Leo T. Fong. Stirling Bridge Publications.
- Fisher, Ralf. (2017). Jeet Kune Do, Das vermächtnis von Bruce Lee. BoD GmbH.
- Baker, Tim. (2019). The Bruce Lee way: Media Lab Books
- Glover, Jesse R. (1976). Bruce Lee between Wing Chun and Jeet Kune Do.
- Palmer, Doug. (2020). Bruce Lee, Sifu, Friend and Big Brother. Chin Music Press.
- Tom, Teri. (2009). Jeet Kune Do, the arsenal of self-expression. Tuttle Publishing.
- Kerridge, Steve. (2018). Bruce Lee, the authorized visual history. Carlton Books.
- Clouse, Robert. (1988). Bruce Lee, the Biography. Unique Publications.
- Tackett, Tim. (2019). Essential Jeet Kune Do. The way of the intercepting fist. Empire Books.
- Tackett, Tim and Bremer, Bob. (2008). Chinatown Jeet Kune Do. Ohara Publications.
- Kent, Chris and Tackett, Timm. (1986). Jeet Kune Do Kickboxing. Unique Publications.
- Carnell, Dave. (2010). The Essence of Jeet Kune Do. Focus Publishing.
- Poteet, Jerry. (2007). Jerry Poteet’s Jeet Kune Do Secrets – Volume 2, energy training. Unique Publications.
- Little, John. (1996). The Warrior within. McGraw-Hill companies.
- Bax. Paul. (2016), Number One, reflections from Bruce Lee’s first student, Jesse Glover.
- Bax, Paul. (2007). Descendents of the dragon. OutskirtsPress.
- artikel over Kobe en Bruce Lee.
- The Academy Center website
- Milco Lambrecht. Mei 2022 – artikel “Nunchaku – het wapen van Bruce Lee”
- Men’s Healt Magezine. Stuk over George en James. Tekst van Bregtje Knaap. Foto’s zijn van Stef Nagel.